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CRO consulting

CRO Consulting

CRO Consulting / CRO Services and Consultation with Center-specific Expertise and Personnel /
Optimal Non-clinical CRO Trial Design / Efficacy /
Analysis (PK, SPR, NMR), Global CRO, Safety Evaluation Services / Efficacy Evaluation Center

Efficacy Evaluation Center

At our internationally certified animal laboratory, the largest in Korea, professionals and veterinarians provide a full range of efficacy evaluation services.


Customized analysis services for candidate substances using advanced analytical equipment and skilled research teams.


Optimal trial design and high-quality results through our team of highly experienced researchers.
Fulfillment of a total of 1,000 research projects
by 500 agencies for the last 3 years

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Customer Chart

  • 51%
  • 17%
  • 12%
  • 5%
  • 7%
  • 4%
  • 4%

Bio Startup






R&D Center

Efficacy Evaluation Center
  • Cancer Immunotherapy

    Chimeric antigen receptor(CAR-T) cell therapy experiment
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Time and cost ↓ Success rate ↑

Optimal test design and high-quality result by professionals and veterinarians

Key Disease Areas
Cancer Models, Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases, Inflammatory Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Metabolic Disorders, Pulmonary Fibrosis Models, Immune Disorders
Analysis Center
  • NMR analysis service

    AVANCE NEO 400 MHz [Bruker]
  • PK analysis service

    QTRAP 6500+ UPLC-MS/MS
    [AB SCIEX]
  • SPR analysis service

    SR7500DC [Reichert]
    Biacore T200 [Cytiva]
Customized analysis serviceutilizing 50 types of equipment

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Location Equipment name Manufacturer Model name
Shared analysis room LC-MSMS AB Sciex Q-Trap 6500 plus
NMR Bruker AVANCENeo 400
Liquid Chromatography Agilent 1260 Infnity II
Flow Cytometry CYTEKTM NL-3000
ACEA Bioscience NovoCyte 1000
Microplate Reader Molecular Devices SpectraMax M2
Microplate Washer BioTEK 405TS
Real-time PCR Roche LightCycler 96 System
FT-IR Perkin Elmer / PIKE SpectrumTwo / MIRacle
Nephelometer BMG Labtech NEPHELOsterPlus
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer DeNovix DS-11
High Centrifuge Labogene YLZ-1248R

Location Equipment name Location Equipment name
Cell culture room BSC Shared equipment room Balance0.001g (1mg)
Cell Counter Balance0.0001g (0.1mg)
Centrifuge Refrigerated Balance0.00001g (0.01mg)
CO2 Incubator CentrifugeHigh speed
LN2 tank Centrifugemini
Water Bath DigitalDry Bath, Dual Blocks
Inverted Microscope Gel boxwith power supply
Germ-free washing room Autoclave pH meter
Ice maker Pipetcontroller
Drying Oven Shaker
Water Purification System ShakingIncubator
Storage room Deepfreezer Sonicator
Freezer StirringHot Plate
Shared equipment room GelDocumentation System VortexMixer
FUME HOOD UV-VisSpectrophotometer
GLP Center
  • Inhalation toxicity test

    • Acute inhalation toxicity OECD 403, 433, 436
    • Capacity setting test
    • 28-day Repeated Dose Inhalation Toxicity Test OECD 412
    • 90-day Repeated Dose Inhalation Toxicity Test OECD 413
    Organic Solvent Gas Generator
    Gas Chromatography
  • Genetic toxicity test

    • Bacterial reverse mutation testOECD TG 471
    • In vitro mammalian chromosomal aberration testOECD TG 473
    • In vivo micronucleus test OECD TG 474
    Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test
    In vitro Chromosomal Aberration Assay
  • Tissue pathology service

    • Masson’s Trichrome stain
    • Glycogen(purple) specialized stain (PAS stain)
    • Collagen(red) specialized stain (Sirius red stain)
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